NCCTI to Host Virtual Information Session Sept. 22
September 4, 2020
Attend NCCTI Virtual Info Session Oct. 21
October 1, 2020NCCTI Plans Next Session Start for November
New Community Career & Technical Institute (NCCTI) is accepting applications for the start of its next session, slated to begin in November. The school is planning to begin the Automotive Technician, Clinical Medical Assistant (CMA) and Patient Care Technician (PCT) programs at that time.
The school continues to take precautions amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The two medical classes will begin online for six weeks before beginning a hybrid schedule with students in the classroom two days per week and completing independent assignments remotely on the other three days. The Automotive Technician program will be the standard in-person training with limited enrollment.
“NCCTI has methodically and strategically begun offering our programs to interested applicants while keeping in mind the challenges COVID-19 presents,” said NCCTI Director Rodney Brutton. “As such, we are looking to enroll students for our Clinical Medical Assistant, Patient Care Technician and Automotive Technician programs in November. Students will begin their coursework online and then transition to in-person instruction for hands-on assignments. NCCTI will ensure all guidelines are adhered to, which includes face coverings, temperature checks, social distancing and limiting the number of students in class.”
To ensure social distancing in the classrooms, desks are six feet apart and students must sit in their assigned seats each day they are in the classroom. Students must wear face coverings while on site and are required to wear both face masks and face shields while participating in hands-on learning activities. NCCTI has signage displayed in its facilities about the requirements. The school has also arranged for cleaning and disinfecting of classroom space after each use.
NCCTI will be holding a Virtual Information Session Sept. 22 at 10 a.m. for individuals interested in learning about the school’s programs, application process and general procedures. The event will take place via Zoom with meeting ID 403 803 3720. The password to join the meeting is 9q37gQ.
For additional information about the Virtual Information Session, check out the flyer.
NCCTI resumed instruction for its Building Trades Specialist and Culinary Arts Specialist programs Sept. 8.
NCCTI is an accredited post-secondary career and technical institution that offers the following programs: Automotive Technician, Diesel Technician, Building Trades Specialist, Clinical Medical Assistant, Patient Care Technician, Community Healthcare Worker, Culinary Arts Specialist and Business and Computer Technologies. NCCTI also operates a comprehensive Financial Opportunity Center and Bridges to Career Opportunities Program sponsored by the local and national Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) offices. For more information, call 973-824-6484, log onto newcommunitytech.edu or visit 274 South Orange Ave., Newark.