In addition to being an accredited, post-secondary career and technical institution, NCCTI also operates a comprehensive Financial Opportunity Center (FOC). The FOC is staffed by a Financial Coach, a Career Services Coordinator and a Retention Specialist.

The Financial Coach helps job seekers create a budget and improve credit scores and connects clients to saving or credit building programs that increase financial capability. The Career Services Coordinator helps students access employment opportunities by helping them write resumes, improve interview skills and develop connections to local employers. The Retention Specialist helps ensure students complete their program of study.

In 2023, the FOC had the following outcomes:

  • 34 Job Placements
  • 42 People with Increased Savings
  • 33 People with Increased Net Worth
  • 20 People with Increased Net Income

The work completed at the NCCTI Financial Opportunity Center is funded by Greater Newark Local Initiative Service Corporation (LISC), with generous support from Wells Fargo and Capital One Bank.

For more information, please contact the school at 973-824-6484.