Come to NCCTI’s Medical Assistant Clinical Info Session on Nov. 20
October 19, 2024NCCTI to Host Open House on Dec. 18
November 13, 2024New Community Career & Technical Institute (NCCTI) celebrated Medical Assistants Recognition Week on Oct. 22 with a pinning ceremony for students in the school’s Medical Assistant Clinical (MAC) and Patient Care Technician (PCT) programs.
NCCTI Success Coach Odette Phillip welcomed the students to the pinning ceremony, NCCTI Success Coach Andrea Kelly gave a background about recognizing medical assistants and Career Services Coordinator Chanda Webb read a poem expressing the importance of medical professionals in patients’ lives. Each student received a pin of a stethoscope that NCCTI staff members placed on their uniforms. NCCTI Interim Director Miguel Pacheco addressed the students, explaining the importance of the field they are pursuing and the impact it has on patients and their family members.