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April 9, 2019
New Community Workforce Development Center Graduates Find Success At University Hospital
May 21, 2019New Community Workforce Development Center Graduates Find Success At University Hospital
When students enroll in programs at New Community Workforce Development Center, the goal is to provide them with an education and the skills necessary to obtain a job in their career of choice with a family income supporting wage. Solid training supported by employer partnerships help make that happen. Three recent Clinical Medical Assistant (CMA) graduates have started their careers at University Hospital, one of the employers with which New Community Workforce Development Center has a relationship.
University Hospital is in very close proximity to Workforce and is visible from the health care classrooms, which is one of the reasons the school looked to develop that relationship. The hospital also is an anchor institution and has a
well-known brand and reputation in Newark. And most importantly, it offers quality career opportunities.
New Community Workforce Development Center Director Rodney Brutton said, “The relationship with
University Hospital adds value to our post-secondary career and technical school.”
He explained that because of the relationship, Workforce personnel know the licenses and certifications the
hospital recognizes and work closely with students to ensure they meet the requirements to be considered for jobs.
University Hospital also sees the relationship in a positive light.
“University Hospital has a long tradition of community involvement. From employee volunteer efforts topartnership investments with other nonprofits, we are deeply committed to leading, collaborating and advocatingto measurably improve the health of Newark and reduce disparities in targeted populations,” said UniversityHospital Chief Administrative Officer Annette Hastings. “We are committed to addressing needs that may gobeyond our role as the leading acute care facility in the area. Our partnership with New Community Workforce Development Center is indicative of that commitment.”
Graduates who have benefited from the relationship are happy to be employed and are enjoying their work.Tasmiyah Gary, Ariellen Orense and Abiba Sylla all went through the Workforce CMA program and work as full-time ambulatory care technicians (ACTs) for University Hospital. Sylla started work in the summer and Gary and Orense became employees in September.
ACTs work with outpatients and do a variety of tasks including taking a patient’s temperature, blood pressure, pulse, height and weight. They also do clerical work like scheduling appointments.
Before enrolling at New Community Workforce Development Center, Orense was in nursing school but couldn’t afford to continue. She left school and took a job managing a restaurant but she wasn’t happy. Shedecided to become a CMA to start her career in the medical field while continuing her education to become aregistered nurse and is happy with her decision.
“I really love it,” she said. She also felt prepared for her job, thanks to CMA instructor Dr. Seham Abouelhassan. “Dr. Seham taught us a lot. You could tell that she really cared about her students and really wanted us to do our best,” Orense said.
Gary was working at Dunkin Donuts when she heard about the opportunities at New Community Workforce Development Center and decided to enroll. She’s happy that she did.
“I feel so grateful. When I hear other people’s stories, how it took them three years to get in here, I feel very appreciative and very grateful to be here at University Hospital,” Gary said.
Abouelhassan is very proud of her students for working hard and achieving their goals. She said the Workforce program prepares the students clinically for the tasks they perform on the job.
“Nothing was new when they went there,” she said. University Hospital staff has found the graduates well prepared for their new roles.
“What is different about these new hires is that they came with a firm knowledge of the work and expectations.
It was clear they were well trained and prepared on not just the subject matter but on the soft skills needed in the workplace,” said University Hospital
Assistant Business Manager Lauren Singh. “It was an easy transition thanks to the program.”
Brutton said the graduates’ hard work, the work of their instructor and the relationship with University
Hospital all contributed to their success.
“Much credit is extended to our lead CMA instructor, Dr. Seham Abouelhassan. Dr. Seham ensured Tasmiyah,
Ariellen and Abiba had the requisite administrative and clinical skills to be of value for the University HospitalAmbulatory Care Center,” Brutton said. “The Workforce Center’s goal is to be a primary source for UH when they look to fill outpatient and inpatient job openings. We are extremely appreciative of the partnership.”
New Community Workforce Development Center is an accredited post-secondary career and technical school that offers the following programs: Automotive Technician, Building Trades Specialist, Business and Computer Technologies, Clinical Medical Assistant, Culinary Arts Specialist, Diesel Technician and Patient Care Technician. The school is currently accepting applications for all programs. Visit www.newcommunity.org to fill out an application or call 973-823-6484 for more information.